Center Parcs 2016 results
Results for the Full-Year Ending 30 September 2016
-Revenue consolidation PVCP Group Total Full Year 2015/2016 EUR 1,424.2 MLN
-Revenue Center Parcs Europe 2015/2016 EUR 644.0 MLN +9.9% (2014/2015 EUR 586.2 MLN)
-Current operating income up 52%1, benefiting from robust growth in the contribution from tourism activities
-All destinations contributed to revenue growth except for city residences, with a 5.8% increase excluding supply effects: +4.9% at seaside destinations, benefiting from robust growth at Spanish residences, +6.6% in mountain residences and +10.3% for villages in the French West Indies.
– Center Parcs Europe generated turnover of €644.0 million, including €419.0 million in accommodation revenue, up 4.7% excluding the Domaine du Bois aux Daims (which contributed €22.8 million to accommodation revenue). This growth was driven by the Center Parcs domains located in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium (+6.8%) and slight growth in the French domains (+0.5%).
Concerning the tourism businesses, the Group is set to continue its growth and differentiation strategy, based on:
-Moves upscale in accommodation and services, with an enhanced offering that is more flexible and better segmented in order to counter competition from the “collaborative” economy.
-Simplifying and digitalising the customer journey.
-A careful revenue management policy aimed especially at increasing prices in the peak season and capturing additional volumes in periods of lower demand.
Progress in development projects
-The Pierre & Vacances-Center Parcs and HNA Tourism Groups signed letters of intent, on 4 July 2016, for the acquisition of three plots of land located near Shanghai and Beijing, and on 18 November 2016 for an additional land on the seaside in the South of China.
Oranje Vermogensmanagement BV treedt op als verkopend Senior Agent voor de Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs Groep. Door beide partijen is overeengekomen dat OranjeVM zowel bestaande vakantiehuizen op de bestaande parken van de PVCP Groep mag aanbieden alsook de appartementen en cottages op de nieuw te ontwikkelen vakantieparken.
De directeur van OranjeVM liet weten; blij te zijn om “een-grote-vis-binnengehaald-te-hebben” en zegt verder; “terug te kunnen kijken op prettige en zakelijke onderhandelingen”. “De laatste vergadering in het Belgische Diegem was doorslaggevend, de voordelen van het “netwerk” van OranjeVM en de know-how van Pierre & vacances Center Parcs was de gezamelijke en leidende factor voor deze nieuwe partnerschap”
Orange Capital Management BV, and the French based, Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs signed a partnership agreement in order to join forces and create a solid working relationship. Under the agreement Orange Capital Management can officially act as vendor, on behalf of Groupe Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs, for all their European existing real estate as-well-as the Groupe’s future developments.
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